Wednesday, November 2, 2011

All About Change.

The great thing about people is that we can change.

We are not static.

Our identities change, the ways in which we perceive ourselves changes, and the ways in which we present ourselves to the world changes.

To what extent would you go to prove to yourself that you are not now what you once were--especially if it was radically different?

I'm inspired by this story.  It's about a man, Bryon Widner, who was in his youth (and through 2006) a leader of the white power movement.  During his time in the group, he covered his body with ugly tattoos promoting his racist beliefs.  In marrying his wife and having children, his life and views have radically changed.  At one point, Widner was willing to pour acid on his face to get rid of this tattoos.  He sought the help of several nonprofit organizations, moved to Tennessee and was under the protection of local police and the FBI while he endured 25 excruciating surgeries in 16 months--all paid for by a private sponsor.  The sponsor agreed to paying the $35,000 surgery cost with that guarantee that she would remain anonymous, Widner would get his GED, get counseling, and pursue a college education or join a trade.  All changes that he was more than willing to make.

It is incredible to me that a man who was once so full of hate would so avidly pursue a new life.
It gives me hope in the human race.
The human race is full of surprises.

Live and Learn.

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