Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jules Et Jim...and Brad Pitt in Budapest

Jules et Jim is a film that we watched in Hungarian culture class this morning.  I really loved it, as it was a beautiful black and white movie about love, friendship, romance, life, etc.  It is full of contradictions, just as life is.

Our teacher, Laszlo, said this about the movie (and of life), which I thought was extremely poignant:

"Life is not just black or white...but black and white at the same time."

At one point, the protagonist Catherine sings a song with one of her lovers, Albert, to her husband, Jules and their best friend, Jim.

It was a beautiful song and one that I'd like to be able to share with everyone, so here is the scene (with English subtitles)

Don't trust me?  Here's IMDB on Jules et Jim.

In other news, Brad Pitt is in Budapest for a month, filming a movie called World War Z. It's a ZOMBIE movie.  Can't wait to see it (I love zombie movies), and I'll be looking for Brad while I can... it's so strange that he's here!

Read more if you want: World War Z

Live and Learn.

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