Thursday, June 14, 2012

Life After Budapest

Loyal followers and interested readers,

I'm overdue for a post or two.  I never did get to write about my trips to Oslo, Norway or Pisa and Florence in Italy.  But don't be mistaken, I certainly haven't forgotten about these experiences.

I stayed with a friend in Oslo, where we visited Vigeland Sculpture Park--it was absolutely breathtaking.  We spent our nights in the bars, and went to a concert where my brand new Italian leather purse was broken!  (Update on the bag: it's currently lost.  Moving sucks!)  We explored the Christmas markets, and I had the time of my life.  Norway is incredible, as are its people.

In Italy, I traveled first to Pisa and then to Florence with Sarah and her two friends from Burlington, Kelsey and Jenna.  I don't think I'll ever spend as much money on food again as I did in Italy.  My taste buds delighted in trying foods I'd never had before: stuffed rabbit and wild boar.  I don't think I'll ever forget these scrumptious meals.  I had "Medieval Wine," served to me by the owner of the vineyard himself.  In Pisa, our host brought us to his art exhibition--he was extremely talented and passionate about his work  We stayed in comfortable hostels, and explored the Leaning Tower.  We went to a church service (given in Latin...I understood a lot of it!) at the Duomo and the famous bridge in Florence.  We ate gelato.  We laughed.  We bought masks and were hassled by the boisterous salesmen in the markets.  This trip was perfect and unforgettable.

Coming back to the United States was undoubtedly the hardest thing I've ever done.  And now, I regret it.  Packing up my room in Budapest, I refused to waste my last night by sleeping, instead, I abused Courtney's generosity and we stayed up all night before I had to leave (she is the best).  I cried on the plane in between my naps.  I didn't want to wake up from this wonderful dream.  I didn't have problems in Europe, every weekend I was experiencing something new and exciting and I wish it never had to end.  But in the end, it did.

The spring semester was really tough.  I suffered from a prolonged European hangover.  It was hard to return to small time Durham, NH, to UNH where many of my friends had left me to fend on my own, and living with three boys I didn't know.  However, for as much as I complain, it was a great semester.

I got involved with Net Impact, an organization that I believe will help me become a career woman with a purpose.  I served as the Editing Chair for Comm-Entary, the UNH Undergraduate Research Journal of Communication.  I landed two internships!  One with HBO and the other with the New Hampshire SPCA.  I'm currently working an internship with More Than Wheels.  I'm more focused, more driven, and I know what I want to get out of my life.  I want to be able to travel.  And I'll do whatever it takes to get there.


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